domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

Last day

Despite some difficulties, (almost) everybody could participate to the presentations.
Some associations of Llinars del Vallès came to see the amazing shows.
Finally, there were three artistic propositions in different places of the Casa Mogent Maristas: one in the workingroom, one in the children playground and the last next to the swimming pool.

After the parade, all went together for a Spanish barbecue (with butifara and pan con tomate). It was a time of sharing between local populations and the international participants. 

At thtime of goodbyes, everybody took the contact of everybody, to stay in touch and maybe to see again one day! 

Some people went to Barcelona to enjoy the city, and others stayed in Llinars for a last night in the village.

Thank you to Daniela for the amazing food every day, every meal
Thank you to Pierro, Staphano and Ricardo for the manadjement, work shop, take care of everybody.
Thank you to all the participants for their presence and energy.

¡Hasta luego!

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