jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

I am my own enemy

On the 17th and 18th, we discovered the concept of social ARTpreneurship. Through workshops we explored the relation between theater and personal development ( soft-skills).
We inquired on how the acquisition of new artistic and creative competences can improve people's personal developement : work in group, be creative, build on it's idea. And the more important belive in yourself, try yourself ! We forget too often we are own worst enemy.We are victims of our own jugement. And when we are free of this jugement, nothing can stop us.
With theater and cuture, we can develop this type of competences: Learn how to live better togheter or to build a stronger spirit of initiative. The use of art and creativity as privileged working tools in educational interventions carried out for young or old  people.
These two days were also useful for the daily life.It was not only theater exercices or discussions about the employability in the European labour market but really a life lesson. 


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